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TC[D]B website landing page

Tech Can [Do] Better

TC[D]B logo

Tech Can [Do] Better

They present valuable thought capital in order to drive racial equality in and through the tech industry while delivering actionable solutions to empower employees at every level to drive equitable, measurable, and enforceable policies. 

Tech Can [Do] Better is an organization that exists to be the North Star and roadmap for how to be an equitable company and to embrace hiring diverse talent


Tech Can [Do] Better is ready to make a digital home that serves as a hub for

all of their content. Their plan was to have the three main areas of the site offer informationalinspirational, and the actionable components. 


Our goal was to create a website for Tech Can [Do] Better that could : 

  • Serve an information hub for Community Members

  • Be a resource that could attract Network Members

  • Align future Corporate Affiliates 

Research & Synthesis


Chip Auchincloss, UX Designer

Jacob Donadee, UX Designer

Amira Rivera, UX Designer

Kenneth Yeung, UX Designer


3 week sprint for

client project


  • Sketch

  • Miro

  • Photoshop

  • Google Suite

  My Role:

  • User Interviews

  • Contextual Inquiries

  • Research Synthesis

  • Content Strategy

  • Information Architecture

  • UX/UI Design

  Methods Used:

  • User Interviews

  • Affinity Map

  • Persona

  • Problem Statement

  • Information Architecture

  • Contextual Inquiry

  • Comparative Analysis

  • Site Map

  • Wireframing

  • High-Fidelity Prototype

User Research - Branding Interviews

Branding Research
Branding package provided by TC[D]B
Style Guide provided by TC[D]B

Click images to enlarge

To begin our research, we conducted user interviews with five participants focusing on the branding package TC[D]B provided us in order to discover how we could reach our target demographic and know what participants thought about it.


We wanted to find out:

  • What feelings does this brand invoke?

  • What have brands done to gain or inspire your trust?

  • Who do you think this brand will attract or repel?  â€‹

Branding Synthesis

Affinity Map of User Interviews on branding

Click image to enlarge

As we synthesized the results of our branding interviews into an affinity map, we were able to get an idea of how participants felt about the subject matter.  

This provided us with
branding direction on where we wanted to go with designing the website.



Participants felt TC[D]B would largely attract:

  • People of color

  • Those under approx. 40 years old

  • Those already aligned with their cause


Participants described an activist feeling that may drive away certain demographics. This was reinforced by the dramatic imagery and use of dark colors.


Participants suggested more uplifting imagery may be attractive to "outsiders."


Participants felt trust can be gained when they can see that the brand is already trusted by peers or other organizations, or if they take notable actions.

User Research - Competitor Contextual Inquiry

Contextual Inquiry

For the second part of our user research, we conducted contextual inquiries with four participants by having them navigate three competitor websites as we recorded their experiences.  


Sites Analyzed:​

Digital Undivided

True North

Project Include

We wanted to see what navigational features people look for in a website in order to direct the layout of content on the website we were building and make sure people would be able to find what they were looking for. 

We followed up the contextual inquiry with interview questions such as:


  • Where do you look to find information on a website?

  • Where do you have issues finding the information that you require?

  • What navigation works for you?

  • What did you struggle with the most?

Competitor Contextual Inquiry - Synthesis

Affinity Map of User Interview results on Contextual Inquiries

Click image to enlarge



As we synthesized the data from the contextual inquiry interviews, we focused our attention on layout pain points, user needs and navigational likes. We deduced that people wanted:​

  • A clear mission statement/What the organization is about​

  • Clear intent of the organization and how it can help

  • Actionable and measurable solutions offered

  • Tell me why they should be trusted

Competitive/Comparative Analysis

Comparative Analysis

Following the contextual inquiry, we conducted a competitive/comparative analysis of the following sites:

True North EDI


Project Include


Black Employee Network



N Power


Digital Undivided



Our analysis of competitor/comparator data provided information showing:


  • Reliance on imagery to enforce their message

  • All competitors focuse on a specific target audience

  • 2 out of 3 competitors offer career training/mentorship

  • 2 out of 3 competitors offered a diverse hiring pool

  • None of the direct competitors offer job search assistance


See the Analysis

Persona - Tech Community Member

TC[D]B Community Member persona

Anthony Wright



25 Years Old



Austin, TX



Bachelor's Degree

"Brands need to back up what they put out."


Anthony is a web developer for a tech company and feels that tech could be doing more. He is committed to activate his company to socialize the need for change within his company.



Needs the tools necessary to push for and implement change in his community.


Needs to establish a brand that focuses on helping each other with an idea that would gain trust.



Creating action to make change in the workplace.



"You can't make change alone."



Anthony wants to help members of the tech community be recognized and is tired of how companies treat diversity.



Difficulty in getting companies to recognize diversity

Disconnected from and jaded by the tech industry


Problem Statement

Tech community members need a way to find actionable information so that they can implement change in their workplace.

Possible Solutions:

  • Organize the information supplied by TC[D]B in a way that will be easily accessed by those aligned with their cause.

  • Provide access to thought leadership as it is produced.

  • Articulate the benefits of formally aligning with TC[D]B in order to take action and affect policy.


Wireframe sketches of first design ideation

Click image to enlarge

To get a vision of our design direction, we drew sketches of the initial landing page to see how we would lay out content for further development. 

Next design ideation, showing style guide reference
Hi-fidelity wireframe step in design ideation process

Click images to enlarge

As we further developed the design of the landing page, we incorporated TC[D]B's marketing content and style guide that was provided.  


We started with darker colors and more intense imagery which then led us to use lighter colors and more uplifting images to feature. 

Global Navigation Outline

Global Navigation
Outline of global navigation for the website

Click image to enlarge

The next step in determining our design direction was how to layout content on the site.


We performed a copy audit of the copy materials provided, which was organized into landing page headers-one page per header.


We wanted to establish "Who, Why, What and How" in order to represent TC[D]B the most effectively on the website. 

Sitemap - Current MVP and Planned Expansion

Site Map
Site Map of current site and planned expansion

Click image to enlarge

Once we established our global navigation header layout, we built a sitemap for the current site as well as capabilities that the website could offer in the future.

Information Architecture

Information Architecture

First Stage

Wireframe 1

Second Stage

Wireframe 2

Third Stage

Wireframe 3

Click images to enlarge

To begin laying out the content for header pages, we first compiled copy materials from different sources into a structure that was dictated by the global navigation.  


Secondly, we broke up information into sub-sections with marketing images interspersed among them. Sub-headers were placed as well as fonts from the direction of the style guide


At the third stage, we incorporated more style templates and added placeholder images. A hierarchy was established and this stage of the process set a template for our other pages on the website.

Final Stylization

Final stylization of hi-fidelity ideation

Click image to enlarge

Final Prototype


Here is the final clickable prototype that we created in Sketch.  

Key Learnings & Next Steps

Next Steps

Since TC[D]B is in the beginning stages of creating their website, we gave them a template to start with which they can build upon. They wanted a site that could be built out to incorporate new team members and new content as it became available. 


Their vision of the future of the site would expand upon the community member persona, where they would further reach out to network members and corporate alliances to broaden their scope.  

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